About Angler's

Angler's Book Supply is a family owned and operated business. There is nothing we care more about than best serving you, our customer. We understand that we work for you, and that you have choices. We run our business accordingly and work hard to assure that your choice is simple. Angler's Book Supply for best selection, service and value!

Angler's Staff For the past 12 years we have provided our customers with unbeatable selection, excellent service, and extremely competitive discounts & terms. Much has changed in 12 years, but our dedication to improving how we serve you remains our top priority. We do a fantastic job serving dealers needs. In fact, over 1,100 retailers world-wide now choose to buy from Angler's Book Supply making ABS the leading distributor of books and videos about fly fishing, fishing and hunting.

With well over 4,500 titles from more than 450 publishers in stock, ABS offers the most complete selection of fly fishing, fishing and hunting titles available anywhere. We offer a wide variety of programs and services to help you sell more books and videos with less effort and inventory, and to make your book and video sales more profitable.

Our philosophy is to establish good long-standing relationships, not just sell you something today. We work with customers as if we're an employee charged with running the book program, someone you can trust to give good advise for the store! This assures that your store is stocking the right titles, maintains quick sell through, and helps you increase your profits by maximizing your sales while minimizing your inventory and effort. This type of partnership assures us both the greatest profits over time.

Mark Koenig, Owner We only do one thing and we do it extremely well. When it comes to supplying specialty retailers with books and videos on fly fishing, fishing, and hunting, we are the biggest and best in the world! We think big, have the inventory and can meet any need you might have.

From Jackie, Brenda and myself, Thank You for your business! Here's to good selling and success, and more days on the water for us all.

Mark Koenig,
Owner Angler's Book Supply

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